All of our pre-order shipping dates are at the top of the descriptions on each product page. If there is no pre-order shipping date, it means that Youtooz is currently shipping.
The dates on each product page are estimates for when we expect the Youtooz to depart from our warehouse - they are not delivery dates. As we ship most items worldwide, delivery dates can vary depending on your region.
To get an estimated arrival time for an item you're waiting for or plan to order, please check out our new page:
🔍 Find My Youtooz
If you need help with your order, please contact with your order info.
Our tracking systems provide you with a tracking link the moment your order is ready for pick-up by our shipping carriers, allowing you to track your Youtooz end-to-end.
We will send you an email titled "A shipment from order #XXX is on the way" containing your tracking number.
During the 20-30 business day transit period, it is normal for your tracking link to not frequently update as your package is on the way. Once your local courier has received your package, tracking updates will appear more often.
You can track your order by entering your tracking number on one of the below links:
Region |
Items |
Shipping Method |
Courier |
Transit Times |
US |
Plush, 1FT & Vinyl | Sea Freight | USPS |
20-30 business days |
CA |
Plush, 1FT & Vinyl | Air Service | Canada Post |
15 - 20 business days |
UK |
Plush & 1FT |
Air Service
10-15 business days |
Vinyl |
5-10 business days |
EU |
Plush & 1FT |
Air Service
Local Courier
15-20 business days |
Vinyl |
10-15 business days |
AU |
Plush |
Air Service
AU Post
15-20 business days |
Vinyl & 1FT |
10-15 business days |
NZ |
Plush & Vinyl | Air Service | NZ Post |
15-20 business days |
MX |
Plush & Vinyl | Air Service | MX Post |
25-30 business days |
- All Youtooz items are shipped from our warehouse in Shenzhen, China unless stated otherwise.
- Transit Times are estimated from when a package departs China, not when the shipping label is created.
- For all other countries/regions not listed above, transit times are generally 20-30 business days but may take longer due to the customs clearance process.
If you need help with your order, please contact with your order info.
Vinyl |
5" | INTL | $7 |
Per Figure
5" | BR | $15 | ||
1FT | INTL | $20 | ||
Plush |
US | $5 |
Per Plush
INTL | $10 | |||
CA, NZ | $15 | |||
US | $7 | ||
INTL | $10 | |||
CA, NZ | $15 | |||
Weighted 16"
US | $20 | ||
AU, UK | $40 | |||
CA, NZ | $60 | |||
2FT | INTL | $50 | ||
Plush Bag | INTL | $10 | Per Bag | |
Slippers |
Slipper Pair
US | $10 |
Per Pair
CA, AU, EU, UK, NZ | $40 | |||
Jenga |
US | $10 |
Per Set
CA, UK, FR, GER, SE | $12 | |||
AU, MX, CN, IT, ES, JP | $17 | |||
Monopoly |
US | $10 |
Per Set
FR, GER, IT, ES, SE, UK | $20 | |||
CA | $25 | |||
MX | $30 | |||
JP | $35 | |||
AU | $40 | |||
Prints |
12" Screen Print
US | $20 |
Per Print
CA | $30 | |||
Mugs |
Mug* | INTL | $7 | Per Mug |
Pins |
Set | INTL | $5 | Per Pin/Set |
- From Dec 10 2024, all vinyl figure shipping is $7/figure.
- * 6in/9in/1FT plushie shipping to the US is $7/plush for all releases from Oct 18 2023.
- * Due to licensing restrictions, the Appa Mug shipping fee is $7 for US, $10 for UK/AU, $15 for CA/NZ.
- Shipments outside of the US may incur additional customs charges. Additionally, EU orders can be subject to further local import duty and taxes. These differ by country and are the responsibility of the customer.
Restricted Regions (All Products)
We cannot ship Youtooz products to these regions at this time:
Åland Islands, Aruba, Ascension Island, Bahrain, Bahamas, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brunei, Ecuador, Faroe Islands, French Polynesia, Honduras, Iraq, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Macao SAR, Moldova, Nepal, North Macedonia, Peru, Tristan da Cunha, Botswana, Cambodia, Georgia, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Namibia, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Türkiye, Andorra, Montenegro, Russia, Jersey, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Iran, Greenland, Fiji, Isle of Man, Venezuela, Guyana, Kyrgyzstan and Guernsey
Restricted Regions (Plush & 1FT Vinyl)
Due to shipping limitations, we cannot ship our plushies or 1FT vinyls to these regions at this time:
Argentina, Belarus, Antigua & Barbuda, Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Georgia, Guatemala, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Taiwan, Andorra, Brazil, Iceland, Israel, Malaysia, South Africa, Uruguay, Ukraine, Faroe Islands, Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Qatar
Bora Karaca Plush (9in)
The Bora plushies only ship to the following regions at this time:
Canada, New Zealand, Thailand. South Korea, Albania, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Vatican City, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam
Minecraft Collection
Due to licensing restrictions, the Minecraft Collection only ships to the following regions at this time:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United States, United Kingdom
Marvel Collection
Due to licensing restrictions, the Marvel Collection only ships to the following regions at this time:
Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Vatican City, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States
Arcane Collection
Due to licensing restrictions, the Arcane Collection only ships to the following regions at this time:
Vinyl: Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Australia, Austria
Plush: Brazil, Belgium, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Austria
Hasbro Collection
Due to licensing restrictions, the Hasbro Collection only ships to the following regions at this time:
Vinyl: The United States, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovania, Spain, the United Kingdom, Chile, the United Arab Emirates and Sweden, Japan and Singapore
Plush: The United States, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovania, Spain, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Japan and Singapore
Dorohedoro Collection
Due to licensing restrictions, the Dorohedoro Collection only ships to the following regions at this time:
United States, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Sweden
The Exchange Exclusives
The Exchange Exclusive Flocked Ghost Face and Black and White Godzilla The Destroyer vinyl figures are only available at the following store locations:
4 | 6277 PEARL ROAD | PARMA HTS | OH | 44130 | 440-845-0828 |
5 | 4725 GREAT NORTHERN BLVD | NORTH OLMSTED | OH | 44070 | 440-777-3511 |
6 | 15100 DETROIT AVE | LAKEWOOD | OH | 44107 | 216-521-0045 |
8 | 279 MIDWAY BLVD | ELYRIA | OH | 44035 | 440-324-2362 |
9 | 629 HOWE AVE | CUYAHOGA FALLS | OH | 44221 | 330-940-3939 |
11 | 5862 FORBES AVE | PITTSBURGH | PA | 15217 | 412-422-2123 |
14 | 2973 WEST LIBERTY AVE | DORMONT | PA | 15216 | 412-341-6591 |
15 | 3107 WEST MARKET STREET | FAIRLAWN | OH | 44333 | 330-873-1468 |
17 | 4864 MCKNIGHT ROAD | ROSS TOWNSHIP | PA | 15237 | 412-635-3170 |
23 | 4920 MILAN ROAD | SANDUSKY | OH | 44870 | 419-609-1180 |
25 | 1154 NORTH COURT STREET | MEDINA | OH | 44256 | 330-722-0351 |
26 | 4464 BELDEN VILLAGE ST. NW | CANTON | OH | 44718 | 330-491-1370 |
27 | 1709 E. CARSON STREET | PITTSBURGH | PA | 15203 | 412-488-7001 |
29 | 3573 STEELYARD DRIVE | CLEVELAND | OH | 44109 | 216-303-9722 |
31 | 407 E. MAIN STREET | KENT | OH | 44240 | 330-673-4470 |
33 | 5535 ROBINSON CENTER DR. | ROBINSON TOWNSHIP | PA | 15205 | 412-787-5134 |
34 | 4089 WILLIAM PENN HWY | MONROVILLE | PA | 15146 | 412-373-1000 |
35 | 3221 CLEVELAND AVE NW | CANTON | OH | 44709 | 330-492-4805 |
36 | 35101 EUCLID AVE | WILLOUGHBY | OH | 44094 | 440-946-2047 |
38 | 7100 PEACH STREET | ERIE | PA | 16509 | 814-866-3880 |
39 | 3613 FORBES AVE | PITTSBURGH | PA | 15213 | 412-482-9026 |
40 | 1524 N. MILWAUKEE AVE | CHICAGO | IL | 60622 | 773-252-9570 |
41 | 935 W. BELMONT AVE | CHICAGO | IL | 60657 | 773-883-8908 |
42 | 2448 W. STATE STREET | ALLIANCE | OH | 44601 | 330-596-1028 |
60 | 10019 E. WASHINGTON ST. | INDIANAPOLIS | IN | 46239 | 317-661-3990 |
101 | 5975 EAST 82ND STREET | INDIANAPOLIS | IN | 46250 | 317-845-1309 |
201 | 1836 1/2 COVENTRY BLVD. | CLEVELAND HTS. | OH | 44118 | 216-321-1887 |
202 | 5110 MAYFIELD ROAD | LYNDHURST | OH | 44124 | 440-683-1278 |
301 | 339 BOARDMAN-CANFIELD RD. | BOARDMAN | OH | 44512 | 234-254-4151 |
302 | 6020 YOUNGSTOWN WARREN RD. | NILES | OH | 44446 | 330-505-6794 |
303 | 2495 EAST STATE STREET | HERMITAGE | PA | 16148 |
878-202-4411 |
Generally, the processing time for non-pre-order items is 5-7 business days. If you are buying more than 3 Youtooz in one order or have a mix of vinyl and plush / pre-order and non-pre-order items in one order, processing time may increase by a few extra days.
Customs, natural events or ground strikes may cause shipping delays. Youtooz is not responsible for shipping delays resulting from external events. Contact us with any questions.