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Smashed Keyboard

The Collectible

This game is trash! Anybody who says SBMM sucks is just a bot. You don't want to go against players your own skill level cause you just want to kill people who are worse at the game. You are a bot. Fouzer0seven gets his own Youtooz and boy is he angry. Be careful around this figure, it might smash you with its keyboard! In an aggressive stance, fourzer0seven screams wil swinging his keyboard from anger. The keyboard is missing keys, and on his shirt is a print of the 407 logo. The packaging was designed in collaboration with fourzer0seven and is reflects the anger of the figure. This collectible ships in an embossed, matte protective sleeve.

About fourzer0seven

Scotty also known as fourzer0seven, is a gaming creator from the United States. He has hundreds of videos where he is known for his reactions and comedy.

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