KinitoPET Buddiez
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Pre-orders estimated to depart: MAY 15 – JUNE 15
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DECEMBER 13, 2024
Everlasting Fun!
MAY 15 – JUNE 15

The Monitor Buddiez

They may always know what’s going on inside your computer but now Kinito and Jade have jumped into the real world to keep track of the rest of your life! Transcending from inside your computer to sit atop its screen and help out wherever they can, the pair each sit at 1.7 inches tall with their legs dangling over the edge as Kinito stares forward blankly with three fins sticking out from either side of a pink head. While ready to sit next to them, Jade sports a happy little smile and sticks a white glove out helpfully as a series of bright green tentacles splay out from their round body. The absolute best companions while you’re working, playing games or just hanging out, they’ll make sure to always be right in your line of sight to bring a smile to your face! These Buddiez ship in a lovingly designed box with the interior covered in pixelated green vines, while the exterior sees them sitting atop a computer monitor in front of a checkerboard screen background as their figures can be seen through the large clear display window at its front.

About KinitoPET

KinitoPET is a psychological horror game that centres around Kinito, an early 2000s virtual assistant. Kinito can walk, browse, talk, adapt, and play games as Kinito. KinitoPET was created by indie developer troy_en and is known for being an adaptive playing experience, where Kinito knows everything and can tell if you have several monitors, a recording device or many, many other things...

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