Leon Lush
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The Collectible

Simultaneously best friends and mortal enemies, Leon Lush and sidekick Nigel are Youtube's most dysfunctional interspecies couple. This release was designed in collaboration with both Leon and Nigel, with a focus on their love-hate relationship. Made out of Youtooz's legendary high-quality vinyl material, Leon Lush is sculpted wearing his classic Tomato Mafia sweater while holding a happy Nigel and throwing up a peace sign.

Inspired by the Tomato Mafia, the scene on the packaging is set in the Boston of the 1920's. Spot Nigel parked in a retro Model-T across the street from a tommy gun store and tomato depot! The packaging features a double-walled window box, made of smooth, matted material that comes protected inside an embossed outer sleeve.

About Leon Lush

Comedian, musician and OG on Youtube, Leon Lush created his channel in May of 2006. Originally releasing acoustic covers of pop songs, Leon's channel has grown into a combination of comedy and commentary about current events in the community. Today, you can find Leon recording videos and spending time with his family in the greater Boston area of the United States.

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