South Park
Tweek & Craig
$35.99 USD
Pre-order item. Estimated Departure: MAY 1 – MAY 31
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Put It Down
MAY 1 – MAY 31

Due to licensing restrictions the South Park Collection only ships to addresses in United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia at this time.

The Collectible

‘You can do lots of damage, when you’re on your phone”

The dynamic duo hits Youtooz in full force! The pair is posed standing at 3.4 inches tall in perfect unison with twin subtle smiles and their arms by their sides. Tweaks long blonde hair fans out in thick spikes while the fringe peeks over his head as he’s dressed in a long sleeve khaki shirt that’s buttoned up incorrectly at the front. Craig wears his iconic blue hat with long ear flaps as well as a yellow pom pom on its top and a thick blue snow coat. The exterior of their packaging sees the two with cotton candy at an amusement park. While the interior is a simple greyscale repeating pattern of the South Park Logo. The protective sleeve shows Tweek and Craig on the front as well as the four main boys' faces peeking from the corners of the packaging over a rich black background. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.

About South Park

South Park is an American animated comedy show created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and developed by Brian Graden for Comedy Central. The series focuses on the lives of 4 boys, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, as they go through insane situations and usually find themselves in trouble.

©2022 Comedy Partners. All Rights Reserved. SOUTH PARK and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners.

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